Friday, October 25, 2013

Hope Springs Eternal

One definition of Hope is:
 "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best"

 From the very beginning, Marilyn was always giving me hope.  She gave me hope that my future was going to be brighter than my past.  Brighter than any dream I could have ever dreamt.  I even have a bag and a scarf with the word "hope" on it - both gifts from Marilyn - get it?  GIVING me HOPE.  
If I had never had the pleasure of knowing such a remarkable woman, I definitely would not be running a marathon next month, I would have never thought I was capable of raising enough money to run on such an incredible team for that marathon, and I would have never believed I was worthy of all the other extraordinary moments that have happened and are happening in my life. 
Hope is the root of everything for me.  Without hope, I would be lost.  Without hope, none of this would be possible.  If I've learned anything from Marilyn, I have learned that if you have hope and you keep hope, nothing is impossible.   
Even after her death, she is still giving me hope.  I can hear her loud, boisterous voice telling me to hang on-to hang in there-and that no matter what-everything will turn out for the best
There are days, like this morning, when my hope is wavering.  When I feel doubt or believe that I cannot accomplish my goals.  When I just need to know that I am going in the right direction and that everything will work out.  And without fail, when I need her, she is there.  I found a rose today, all alone, surrounded by empty stems, and all I could think was-this is my hope.  It was my Marilyn telling me to hold on-just like that rose was holding on for a little while longer. 
"Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest:
The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come".

****Don't Forget, I am running this Marathon with Team Lung Love for Lung Cancer Alliance to raise awareness and funds for the fight against Lung Cancer.  No amount is too small!  Thanks to everyone who has already donated!  Please consider donating to the cause by clicking here.****



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