Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Angels

Back in May, I decided to sign up for my first marathon.  When I look back throughout my life, it seemed like such a crazy decision, yet, when the time came to do it, I never second guessed myself.  I knew all the way that I could do it - that's the crazy part.  My entire life has been filled with "I can't".  Whether it was the fear of failure or the fear of inadequacy, I let my insecurities lead my life.  I started running about 3 years ago when a close friend, Marilyn, was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.  I was a smoker and thought that taking up running would help me quit.  Marilyn passed away 3 months later, just 6 months after getting sick.

Unfortunately, I didn't quit smoking for another 2 years, however, the running part stuck.  It has been quite a journey since then.  Sometimes running a lot, sometimes taking very VERY long breaks.  My best friend, who also mourned the loss of our friend, has been a huge inspiration to me. She signed up to run Broad Street in 2012 and the Philly Half Marathon of the same year on Team Lung Love for Lung Cancer Alliance.  She talked me into running Broad Street this year, the largest 10 miler in the nation, and when I decided to run the Philly Marathon, she suggested running with Team Lung Love and fundraising for Lung Cancer Alliance.  LCA raises awareness and seeks funding for lung cancer screenings.
"We are the only national non-profit organization dedicated solely to providing support and advocacy for people living with or at risk for the disease.  Our mission ending injustice and saving lives through an alliance of advocacy, education and support.  Our vision is to reduce lung cancer mortality by at least 50% by 2020.  Founded in 1995, our first priority and founding hallmark is to meet the needs of lung cancer patients and those at risk. As the largest lung cancer advocacy organization in the world, we work tirelessly to improve outcomes, eliminate stigma and secure public health research dollars."


So that's what I did.  I instantly signed up to run with the team and have since started my training. 

Below is a link to LCA's website if you want more info:

Lung Cancer Alliance

And here is a link to my fundraising page and Team Lung Love's website... Please consider donating... or think about it :)

Chrissy's Fundraising Page

We lost Marilyn in November 2010 and I also lost my grandmother, Charlotte, to lung cancer in October 1992.  They are my Angels.  On some, if not all, of my runs, I feel like I have my Angels carrying me through.  I am not a "good" runner, by any means, I am still just a beginner.  But that is the beauty in the training.  It is all new and exciting to me.  Every time I finish a run, I still get that amazing accomplished feeling that has kept me running the past few years.

I wanted to keep an account of this experience for myself and for anyone else who cares to read it.  Whether it's someone who loves me and supports me, or someone who always believed they "can't"  and maybe finds out that they CAN.  Call it a way of sharing my Hope, Strength & Experience (insert winky face).....

Now that the "introduction" is over...... I am 7 weeks into my training.  I haven't run anything over 10 miles...yet.  This weekend will be my first 12 mile run.  I find it is best for me to wake up as early as possible to beat this horrible heat and pretend I am going for a 6 mile run....I always cut my long runs in half mentally.  I run the first half, that way I know I have to run the second half to get home. It works for me. 

I plan on stopping in here and updating once or so a week to give an update on my training and fundraising, or just to let loose on the world!

Until then..... xo


  1. I support you! Your lifestyle transformation so far has been a joy to watch from a distance. I'm so proud of you, and am amazed by this next step you're taking. I wish I could be there to participate in all of this with you. Keep up the blog. I'll be following.

  2. Thanks Meagan!!! Your support means so much to me. Xoxoxo
