Monday, July 29, 2013

Calling All Angels

Let's get right to the point-13 miles was tough.  I woke up a little later than usual Sunday morning, got myself together, and was out the door in less than 15 minutes.  I don't know if I didn't take the time to mentally prepare or if I was too afraid of psyching myself out.  Whichever it was, I had no idea what to expect. 

Once I'm moving, I am good, however, this time I found myself at 1.5 miles saying "you only have 11.5 to go", and realized that did not offer ANY comfort.  There is no such thing as ONLY 11.5 miles unless you are driving a car.  I don't think I found a groove until at least Mile 4, which was quick to leave around Mile 6.  I could literally feel blisters creeping up on my toes, my knee was aching and my hips were killing me.  But I kept pushing through because I really had no other choice.  What was I going to do?  Call my hub and have him come pick me up?  NEVER

I am not fooling you when I say I run with Angels.  I truly needed all the Angels I could get.  I could not believe how I had to look towards that help during this run. I drew upon Marilyn's strength, Mommom's grace, Fred's persistence and GreatMommom's courage.       

I shocked myself when I thought about the commitment I made and that I was going to stick to it NO MATTER WHAT.  And finally, the run got a little easier.  By Mile 11, I was running like I'd been doing it all my life.  My form changed, I sped up, I felt free.  It was nothing short of Amazing.

I bust through the door of my house - 2 hours 28 minutes later - and I didn't leave again until dinner time that night.  I remembered my friend saying that all she wanted to do after 12 or 13 mile runs was lay around all day, so I tried it out.  I watched not one, not two, but three Harry Potter movies and snuggled with my son.  Anytime I got off of my couch, it was accompanied by many grumbles of achy pain throughout my body.  I probably complained a little too much, but thankfully no one told me to suck it up.   

Last week, I ran 12 miles then went to the beach for the day, grocery shopped, did my laundry, all of my normal activities, and didn't feel nearly as sore the day of or the next day.  So either that ONE little mile makes a HUGE difference, or I need to NOT lay around the day of the long run.  I guess you really do live and learn.

This week was the first week I exhibited any self-doubt on this journey.  I told the hub that I didn't think I could do it, that 13 miles was rough enough.  He sweetly reminded me that I am training, and that I could definitely do it.  And with that little push, I was back to believing I could conquer the world, one mile at a time.

****Don't Forget, I am running this Marathon with Team Lung Love for Lung Cancer Alliance to raise awareness and funds for the fight against Lung Cancer.  No donation is too small.  Please consider donating to the cause by clicking here.****

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

One Little Word

Inspire - in·spire - /inˈspī(ə)r/   

Little word, Big meaning.  Monday was just a terrible day - equipped with an overly busy work day, stuffy nose and head, sore throat, sore legs and topped of with a flat tire....There are more details that include hysterical crying, but I'll spare you.  At the very end of my horrid day, I received an email asking about my long run this weekend.  The last line of the email said "take care and keep inspiring me". With that one little line, my day instantly turned around.  You see, the person who sent me the email is a true inspiration to me.  She has helped me through my decision to run this marathon and with any questions I have had about my training.  Me, an inspiration? Ha - who would have thought! 

People will tell me that they could never run a marathon, or 10 miler, or any distance for that matter, and that I inspire them.  And I often respond with "you could do it, you just don't want to".  I realized that is only half of the truth.  It is not easy to run a long distance.  It takes hard work, determination, mental strength and practice.  If it were easy, everyone would do it. where would inspiration be then?

For the update on last week's training:  I did it! I accomplished the dreaded 12 mile run! 

My long run on Sunday was my longest run yet, and the beginning of many, many more during my training for Philadelphia Marathon. 

I spent most of my Saturday feverishly checking the weather.  With a 50% chance of rain, I thought "this can't be happening-my longest run yet-in the RAIN!?!?" Slowly, the chance of rain went down to 30%, and when I woke up at 5am, it was gone.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.  I started to tell myself, if I just do 10, I would be okay.  But I knew I wouldn't be.  I have been so amazed at myself for keeping up with this schedule for 8 weeks now, if I had backed out of my longest run I would have never stopped beating myself up.  Besides, I knew I could run 10, I wanted to prove to myself that I could keep going.  I reminded myself that its not about how fast I get through it, or how pretty I look doing it (not so much - trust me), that the goal is just to finish it, to accomplish a goal.  So I was off.  For being in the middle of a heat wave, the weather was near perfect.  When I say "running with angels" these are the things I mean.  It's not some big sign that they are with me.  It's the little things, like no rain or stinking hot weather, or just the fact that I finished

Let me say - finding a road that will stretch 6 miles up and back with a safety shoulder?  NOT SO EASY MY FRIEND.  At least 2 total miles out of 12 were on the white line praying that I didn't get side swiped by a car.  I will have to do better research for my next long run this Sunday. 

I finished in 2 hours and 17 minutes.  Do you know how your legs feel after running for 137 minutes?  Like Jello. My body was achy, but my heart was soaring.  Stepping up to the challenge really reinforced my faith that I could do this....that I was a RUNNER.  I spent the rest of the day laying on the beach with my family and my best friend's family.  Other than the ride down, I would love to spend every Sunday exactly like this past week.  Running my heart out and then spending the rest of the day in the sun with the ones I love. 
Thanks for checking back in - and don't forget to check out my Donation Page - my true inspiration for running a marathon is to honor My Angels who lost their battle with Lung Cancer and helping Lung Cancer Alliance raise awareness and increase attention to lung cancer treatments. 
Go Team Lung LoveAll the links you need are below! 


Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Angels

Back in May, I decided to sign up for my first marathon.  When I look back throughout my life, it seemed like such a crazy decision, yet, when the time came to do it, I never second guessed myself.  I knew all the way that I could do it - that's the crazy part.  My entire life has been filled with "I can't".  Whether it was the fear of failure or the fear of inadequacy, I let my insecurities lead my life.  I started running about 3 years ago when a close friend, Marilyn, was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.  I was a smoker and thought that taking up running would help me quit.  Marilyn passed away 3 months later, just 6 months after getting sick.

Unfortunately, I didn't quit smoking for another 2 years, however, the running part stuck.  It has been quite a journey since then.  Sometimes running a lot, sometimes taking very VERY long breaks.  My best friend, who also mourned the loss of our friend, has been a huge inspiration to me. She signed up to run Broad Street in 2012 and the Philly Half Marathon of the same year on Team Lung Love for Lung Cancer Alliance.  She talked me into running Broad Street this year, the largest 10 miler in the nation, and when I decided to run the Philly Marathon, she suggested running with Team Lung Love and fundraising for Lung Cancer Alliance.  LCA raises awareness and seeks funding for lung cancer screenings.
"We are the only national non-profit organization dedicated solely to providing support and advocacy for people living with or at risk for the disease.  Our mission ending injustice and saving lives through an alliance of advocacy, education and support.  Our vision is to reduce lung cancer mortality by at least 50% by 2020.  Founded in 1995, our first priority and founding hallmark is to meet the needs of lung cancer patients and those at risk. As the largest lung cancer advocacy organization in the world, we work tirelessly to improve outcomes, eliminate stigma and secure public health research dollars."


So that's what I did.  I instantly signed up to run with the team and have since started my training. 

Below is a link to LCA's website if you want more info:

Lung Cancer Alliance

And here is a link to my fundraising page and Team Lung Love's website... Please consider donating... or think about it :)

Chrissy's Fundraising Page

We lost Marilyn in November 2010 and I also lost my grandmother, Charlotte, to lung cancer in October 1992.  They are my Angels.  On some, if not all, of my runs, I feel like I have my Angels carrying me through.  I am not a "good" runner, by any means, I am still just a beginner.  But that is the beauty in the training.  It is all new and exciting to me.  Every time I finish a run, I still get that amazing accomplished feeling that has kept me running the past few years.

I wanted to keep an account of this experience for myself and for anyone else who cares to read it.  Whether it's someone who loves me and supports me, or someone who always believed they "can't"  and maybe finds out that they CAN.  Call it a way of sharing my Hope, Strength & Experience (insert winky face).....

Now that the "introduction" is over...... I am 7 weeks into my training.  I haven't run anything over 10 miles...yet.  This weekend will be my first 12 mile run.  I find it is best for me to wake up as early as possible to beat this horrible heat and pretend I am going for a 6 mile run....I always cut my long runs in half mentally.  I run the first half, that way I know I have to run the second half to get home. It works for me. 

I plan on stopping in here and updating once or so a week to give an update on my training and fundraising, or just to let loose on the world!

Until then..... xo