Thursday, May 8, 2014

Take Two

It's here.

Marathon #2.

This time has been a very difficult journey.  A lot of it riddled with questioning my reasoning - or lack thereof - to run a spring marathon right after a fall marathon.  I see several posts per day on social media from folks that will run multiple marathons a year - even monthly - but I am not that person. 

While I enjoy running, and the fact that I am able to endure training for a marathon, my love really comes afterwards.  I love the accomplished feeling I get when I finish a long run, or beat my own time, or just get out and run even though I didn't want to.  I would like to believe I am in the majority of the running community - that I am cursing the mere existence of running while I am in the act of it and start singing it's praises when I am finished. 

 ….Then again - that may put me more in the minority....

Finishing the Philadelphia Marathon was incredible. The fact that I trained hard, stayed committed, fought for a charity and crossed that finish line was such an unbelievable accomplishment.  I never wanted that feeling to end.  I wanted to soar on that run as long as I possibly could.  

My first run after the marathon was about 5 miles long, with my best friend, on Thanksgiving, and was filled with gratitude.  I am truly blessed that I have had the world's greatest cheerleaders by my side through all of my ups and downs in life. And the ones who didn't laugh when I told them I thought I was suffering from "post-race blues" or balk at me for signing up for the Delaware Marathon-just a smidget over a month after finishing Philadelphia. 

I mean, really, I HAD to run Delaware, right?  I am a proud, born & raised Delawarean.  How could I not be a part of the Delaware Marathon Running Festival?  I was now a MARATHON RUNNER – you know!?!  To run 26.2 miles on my own turf just seemed like a dream.  And after convincing my husband that the full was the right one for me, he hesitantly registered me as a surprise Christmas gift.

With all my glory – I began training.  I thought the winter was the wall that stood tall between me and my training – However, I was my greatest stumbling block.  Between the snow, cold weather, lack of motivation, shrinking self-confidence and the stresses of everyday life, I really didn’t think I would make it.  I had no good excuse to not train.  My body was strong and healthy – unlike training for Philadlephia, where I constantly was being sidelined with injury.  Don’t get me wrong – I trained.  I ran my heart out, and beat my pace on most – if not every run – this time.  And I always feel such gratitude and joy when the run is over.  I am prepared for this marathon – just fearful.

Over the last 18 weeks, I had seemed to forget why I started all of this in the first place.  My temporary memory loss is in direct correlation to my overwhelming fear of running this weekend.

So here I sit. 

I am not sure where the nervous energy or anxiety is coming from.  I would expect to feel some fear, but this is just torture.  People say you fear the unknown.  Well, from my experience, I didn’t fear the unknown.  I felt confident going into the first marathon.  I knew that I had my angels sitting on my shoulder to help me get through in one piece.  Now that I know what it feels like to actually run a FULL marathon?  Now, I am afraid.  It’s like having a baby.  You forget the pain until you are ready to push again.

T-Minus 3.5 days before run time….

I can only listen to soft rock or apparently my anxiety spikes,  I don’t have the mental capacity to make any rational decisions, I may be a little short tempered, and I may seem a little MORE flighty than usual. 

All I can do now is try to calmly focus on the whys.  

Why did I start running?  To quit smoking. 

Why did I keep running?  I kind of love it.

Why did I run an entire marathon even though I had never run more than 6 miles before registering for it?  To honor my dear Marilyn and to remember that she is always there-surrounding me with a bond that goes beyond this world. 

Why did I register for yet another marathon?  Because I’m a badass – that’s why.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Looking Back and Looking Forward....

Here I go again -
I am pretty sure I promised I wouldn't put you all through my training for the next marathon....well I lied, kind of.
The motivation that I had training for Philadelphia has not translated into the training for Delaware. 

I keep remembering the thoughts and feelings I had during the training for a fall marathon through the brutal heatwave.  Waking up at 5AM just to get my run in before the temperature hit 100 degrees, knowing that I HAD to run with WATER, and that a run after work was totally out of the question.  Complain, Complain, Complain - SWEAT, SWEATY, SWEATIEST.  Yet today I would pay good money to be able to train in that mess...

I am already half way into a training program for a spring marathon, and have yet to run over 10 miles, to follow an exact program, or to even successfully run two full weeks in a row.  What stops me, you may ask?  The Winter Wonderland I find myself living in. 

I have never been a fan of winter.  And snow has been a recurring nightmare for as long as I can remember.  YES, NIGHTMARE.  I don't like to play in it, I don't like to drive in it, I don't even want to look at it.  Hate is not even a strong enough word for how I feel about this winter.

Here and there, I get up, get dressed-over dressed-and I get out.  Some runs are really good, some are really bad.  It takes so much more effort to run in the cold, and lately, I just haven't had it.

I am sitting here, during yet another snow day, and the answer hit me.  I signed up for the first marathon with gusto, with spunk, and with a purpose.  I was running in honor of my Marilyn and raising money for a cause I feel so close to and so strongly about.  I had so many supporters and angels to carry me through those horrid summer days.  It's much easier to run on the wings of an angel than in the mind of a quitter.

I still have support from those who love me and are close to me, but this time is different.  There is no charity, it's not my first time, and mostly - I'm not talking about it.  I signed up for this marathon because I thought it would chase away the post race blues.  I didn't plan on documenting my experience like I did before.  I didn't need to fundraise, so I haven't had to flood Facebook with endless pleas for support, and surprisingly, I don't find the urge to bring every conversation back to running/training/marathon/miles/shoes/feet/exhausted/empowered/running like I did the first time around.  Instead, I find myself dreading the topic, which makes me sad, and worse, FULL OF DOUBT.

I love running.  I love training.  I want that feel good back.  And if that means I need to continue with my blog, then so be it.  I will take it easy for you Facebookers that had just about had it by November, so if you want to follow along - sign up for post updates. That way we can all spare the world my tales of soaring and sorrow.

Marilyn held my hand through everything while she was on this Earth.  She taught me to not be a quitter, to be strong, courageous and to believe in myself.  I won't let a few million snowflakes make me lose sight of that.  She was proud of me - and now I'm going to be proud of myself. 

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Dr. Seuss